
Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis  Bacterial vaginosis is one of the vaginal disease, which is caused by the overgrowth of certain kind of bacteria or imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. It is also known as vaginal bacteriosis or Gardneralla vaginitis. It is the most common vaginal infection in women of reproductive age. It is the vaginal condition, in which there is a fish odor like discharge. Earlier it was known as a Gardnerellas vaginosis, because it was thought that the bacterial vaginosis is caused by this bacteria only. But now, it is known as bacterial vaginosis, it reflects that there are so many types of bacteria which are present in the vagina and may grow to excess. The bacteria's which are involved in bacterial vaginosis are Gardenerella, Lactobacillus, bacterosides , Peptostreptococcus , Eubacterium and so many other types of bacteria. It's not dangerous, but it can cause severe complications along with pregnancy. Bacterial vaginosis doub...

Bell's palsy

Bell's palsy Bell's palsy is a disorder, which mostly happens due to temporary weakness of the facial muscles. This disorder develops suddenly and affects one side of the face. In this disease complete paralysis or numbness is experienced in the facial region. The cranial nerve that controls the functioning of facial muscles on the face shows incapability to send to brain and receive signals from it. Patients suffering from this disorder show helplessness towards controlling movement of their facial muscles. This has been a very common type of facial paralysis and neurologic disorder involving the cranial nerve all throughout the globe. What Are The Causes Of Bell's Palsy? The cranial nerve is responsible for monitoring movements of the muscles in the facial region and ear region. This nerve extends from the brain to the face. The primary cause of this disorder is the herpes virus, which causes inflammation of this nerve. This is the same virus that is respons...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy is an enlarged prostate that can block the urethra (a tube that excretes urine out of the body.) It is very common problem after 40 years of age in men. The prostate is a small gland found only in men, located below the bladder. Causes Changes in hormone balance and in cell growth. Sedentary or insufficient physical work Suppression of urge for urinating Incompatible food intake Lifestyle disturbance CERTAIN MEDICATIONS ALSO TRIGGER THE SYMPTOMS:- Cold or sinus medications that contain decongestants or anti-histamines Asthma drugs (esp. inhalers) Allergy and hay fever drugs Symptoms NERVES WITHIN THE PROSTATE AND BLADDER MAY ALSO PLAY A ROLE IN CAUSING THE FOLLOWING COMMON SYMPTOMS: Urinary frequency - The need to urinate frequently during the day or night (nocturia), usually voiding only small amounts of urine with each episode Urinary urgency - The...

Bilateral Sacroiliitis

Bilateral Sacroiliitis In this 21st century where our life styles are so advanced that for every work we have the technologies, which make things easier. With this advancement, levels of expectations are also increased in all fields. We can say that in 21th century there is a progression in health complications too. Bottom line of this article is bilateral sacroiliitis. Many people haven't heard the name of this disease. Bilateral sacroiliitis is the inflammation of sacroiliac joints. Most of the time, people mistaken it as lower back pain. So here we are discussing the various aspects of bilateral sacroiliitis. Bilateral Sacroiliitis Sacroiliitis is defined as tenderness in the sacroiliac joints which are located in the lower spine and pelvic connects. Sacroiliac joint are the connections between spine to pelvis and lower skeleton. It results in the pain in lower back or buttocks and this pain can extend down to legs, groin and feet. Sacroiliitis is associated with var...

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder It is also known as manic depressive illness or manic depression. It is brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity level and ability. These are categorized into four basic types all of them involve clear changes in mood. These mood swings are extremely change from periods like "up", elated and energized behavior (known as manic episodes) to very sad, "down" or hopeless periods (known as depressive periods). Rare manic periods are known as hypomanic episodes. Ayurvedic View Of Bipolar Disorder In ayurveda text, there is no specific type of disease is mentioned. In Charak Samhita there is description of Unmada i.e. insanity, which affects mind, intelligence, perception, knowledge, behavioral activities and performance. This describes five type of Unmada which depends upon symptoms and involvement of dosha which can be correlated with bipolar disorder. As per ayurveda, in this disorder the person is prone to vat...

Blood Disorder

Blood Disorder Blood is a living tissue which is liquid in nature. It is made up of four components - plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Every component has different function in body. The whole blood is a mixture of about 55% plasma and 45% blood cells. Blood constitute about 7-8 % of our body weight. Study of blood and their related disorders is called hematology. THE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF BLOOD ARE: Transport of oxygen and other nutrients to body tissues. Carrying antibodies to fight infection Regulating temperature of body. Helps to remove waste products of kidney and liver. About Blood Disorders Disorders that affects functioning of blood is called blood disorders or also called hematological disorders. There are many blood related disorders that may affect one or more component of blood some are easily treated or some disorders are life threatening. ACCORDING TO COMPONENT OF BLOOD AFFECTED THERE ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF BLOOD DISORDERS WHIC...


Bronchitis Bronchitis is a respiratory disease. It is the inflammation of inner lining of bronchial tubes which is the main passage of air in lungs is occurred. In Ayurveda bronchitis is known as Shwasa Pranali Shoth. Types Of Bronchitis BRONCHITIS MAY BE ACUTE OR CHRONIC: 1. ACUTE BRONCHITIS It is also known as chest cold. It is short term illness followed by cold or viral infection. The infection may last from a few to ten days. The cough may persist for several weeks afterwards with the total duration of symptoms usually around three weeks. Some have symptoms for up to six weeks. 2. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS It is long term illness. It is defined as productive cough with excessive mucus that lasts for three months or more per year for at least two years, mostly people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). CAUSES Bronchitis is caused by inflammation of bronchial tubes by virus, infection. CAUSES OF ACUTE BRONCHITIS: IT IS MAINLY CAUSED BY: Virus E...