Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a type of bacteria, which causes diseases in humans, plants and animals as well. This microorganism is much of medical significance. This is because, this bacteria is a multidrug resistant pathogen. Also, known as the MDR pathogen. It is known for its property of resistance towards antibiotics. it is also related to a lot of diseases as well. These are the various sepsis syndromes, ventilator associated pneumonia and other infections. These bacteria are largely found in the water, plants and soil. Generally, healthy people are not affected with this micro organism. It is the individual, who is already hospitalized due to some reason is prone to the infection caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa. This is because, the patient already suffering has a weak immune system. Thus, this infection is also known as the opportunistic infection.
The pseudomonas infection is generally characterized by the following symptoms. The infection may occur at any part of the body. And, the symptoms generally depend on the part of the body, which is infected. And, the infection can be extremely fatal for some patients. Some specific symptoms are infections; occurring in blood, ears, eyes, lungs and some other parts of the body. These infections may be aggressive in nature, if it affects the skin or the lungs.
Infection In Blood
The infection occurred due to the bacteria in blood is known as the bacteremia. This situation often leads to hemodynamic shock, which results in low blood pressure. It also gives rise to several organ failure like liver, kidneys and heart.
·         Chills
·         Fever
·         Muscular pain
·         Joint pain
·         Fatigue
Infection In Skin
The bacteria causing the infection in the skin is known as the folliculitis. This is because, the affected region is the hair follicles. This situation is characterized by formation of abscesses in the skin, redness, draining wounds and some more.
Infection In Lungs
When the bacteria, pseudomonas infects the lungs, it is known as pneumonia. It is symptomized by fever, cough and difficulty to breathe and frequent chills.
Infection In Ear
Pseudomonas infection affecting the external ear canal is known as the swimmer's ear. It is characterized by ear pain, inflammation, itching in the ear, difficulty in hearing and discharge from ear.
Infection In Eye
Another part of the body, which is affected by this bacteria is the eye. The symptoms are pus formation, inflammation, pain, redness and impaired vision as well.
Beside these parts, the bacteria, pseudomonas aeruginosa may cause infection in other body parts as well. These are brain, liver, sinuses and bones. However, the infection of these parts is not so common till now.
Factors Increasing The Risk Of Pseudomonas Infection
·         Exposure to chemo therapy in cancer patients
·         Burns
·         Cystic fibrosis
·         Presence of foreign bodies like catheter, mechanical vibrator and others
·         Patients going through surgeries
·         AIDS or HIV infection
How To Prevent The Pseudomonas Infection?
The infection can be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene. Washing hands properly. Maintaining cleanliness and becoming a bit conscious about the infection can help you drive away the complication to a huge extent.
Ayurvedic Concept Of Pseudomonas Infection
The bacterial infections in Ayurveda has been described as Krimi Rog, which can affect externally as well as internally.
The ancient system of medicine, Ayurveda tries to provide treatment to this complication by maintaining a proper balance between the aggravated tridoshas with the various naturally occurring herbs. These herbs are the best medicines for the treatment of this bacterial infection.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Care Pack


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